Green building and heat insulation material

Green building and heat insulation material

eFoam from Mega Master Technology is a new-generation, long lasting, environmentally-friendly insulating material for construction. Besides helping to protect the environment, eFoam ensures energy saving, superb acoustic insulation and excellent heat insulation for comfortable living.


Specifications for the eFoam series:

Usage Specification Function choice of specification
Roof , Wall and coil steel insulating materials I, T General purpose W30:- Thermal conductivity 0.0341 W/mK @23℃(ASTM C518). - Good noise reduction. Acoustic insulation up to 20dB. W35-W40:- Thermal conductivity 0.0341 W/mK @23℃ (ASTM C518)
IE, TE Pliable, with improved corner covering ability
IN, IEN, TN, TEN Meets RoHS and UL94-HF1 standards
IK, IEK, TK, TEK Higher fire retardant levels (test pending)
V-series Good corner covering, also offers a fire retardant function
O-series Sound absorption and insulation, heat preservation
Pipes covering of air conditioner, cold and hot water I, T, W Low thermal-conductivity W30-W40:- Thermal conductivity 0.0341 W/mK @23℃
IN, WN Meets RoHS and UL94-HF1 standards
II , WI Service temperature up to 120℃
Crash-proof bar in parking lot Cushion pads for children playground I Excellent cushioning properties On request from customers
IE, IEE Good cushioning, improved corner covering and back glue characteristics
V-series Excellent cushioning, excellent corner covering and back glue characteristics
O-series The best shock absorption and cushioning functions
Wooden floor, carpet liner and sound insulating material I, W Effectively reduces both drumming and impact sounds W10-W15: Good compression set, higher bearing weight, suitable for use on electrical heating wood plates, thickness > 2mm ICC 58 W30-W35: Suitable compression set, thickness >3mm ICC 59
IG, WG Superior compression set and improved back glue characteristics
IN, WN Meets RoHS and UL94-HF1 standards
IK, WK Higher fire retardant levels (test pending)
WP, IP Meets the requirements of malleability and high service temperatures
V-series Super soft and comfortable to touch. Excellent back glue characteristics
D-series Better anti-slip than V-series
O-series Softer than the other series enabling excellent coverage of uneven surfaces, excellent shock absorption, sound absorption and insulation functions
Building and window seals I, W General purposes W30-W40
O-series Excellent softness allowing effective window sealing
Wallpaper WT Insulating wallpaper material for cold climates W05-W15